Thursday, August 3, 2017

Wake up sleepy head, life is alive and amazing!

Being a mom in your 40's comes with it's challenges, some are a breeze and well other's not so much. I don't know about you but raising two children under 3, maintaining a marriage and working full time tends to put some wear and tear on you. I am absolutely grateful for my two Littles and amazing husband, my life would be empty without them. Those smiles, laughs and gentle touches makes being a mom later in life all worth it.

I am exploring my passions and finding my ikigai, sounds kind of fancy it's another word for purpose. When I say purpose I don't mean finding myself I mean looking beyond who I am and being inspired enough to make a life beyond what I could dream of. Having a purpose bigger than me excites me makes me want to shake others and let them know, "Hey life is alive and amazing!" just open your eyes and wake out of your slumber, sleepy head.

I want to welcome you to my Cozy Home, give you a hug and Keuig a cup of coffee and just talk! We will chat all about our  journeys, passions, and our everyday. Its just the life of a 40 year old woman, mom and wife reaching for the stars. Good night my friend, don't forget to take your shoes off at the door!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

DYI Wool Dryer Balls

Wool Dryer Balls

I was inspired to do this DYI from a co-worker of mine. I was looking on line and found these babies selling 6 for $28.00! What! I don't know about you but if I can do it myself, I will. Keep in mind you can always use coupons to buy your wool at your local craft stores. I purchased my wool at Michael's and to my surprise it were on sale! Whoop Whoop! I don't know if you can tell but this DYI excites me! I save on electricity, water, money and keep my family free from fabric softener chemicals. This is an all around win win.

Wool dryer balls, save on dry time,  no need for fabric softener, less static cling and helps with wrinkles. This DYI is so easy to do it can be done while you watch your favorite T.V. shows.

What you will need:
3-6 wool bundles of yarn (depending on how many you want to make) I used 3 bundles and I made 4 tennis size wool balls and one half size. Make sure the wool is hand washable only. Hand washable wool will allow the wool to felt.
1 crochet needle. I used a crochet hook and that worked fine for me.
A pair of women's hose.

Step 1:
Gather your wool yard and wrap around your fingers 10 times, then wrap the loops. This will be the start of your ball.

Step 2:
Continue to wrap yarn forming a tight ball.

Step 3: Once you have formed a ball about the size of a tennis ball take 2-3 inches of extra yarn and thread it through the middle of the wool ball. This will secure the loose end so it does not unravel.

Step 4: Take the dryer balls place them in an old pair of leggings and tie each separately forming a caterpillar.

Step 5: The wool dryer balls will need to be thrown into the washer and dryer on high heat for three cycles. I did this step on a laundry day as to not waste water and electricity.

Step 6: After the wool dryer balls have completed the 3 wash and dry cycles cut them out of the hose and they are ready to use. Your wool dryer balls should be felted over. The felting binds the ball so that it does not unravel in the dryer.

I've used my wool dryer balls and they work amazingly. I hope you love them as much as I do. Please let me know how this DYI worked out for you!